These were taken after I posted my last blog post so I figured I would add them now... They're so stinkin' cute, it's not funny!

You will have to forgive our hiatus... it was a rough week around here. These little monkeys were still NOT sleeping! Well actually, let me correct that. Ella, was not sleeping! She was up every 2 1/2 to 3 hours to eat. Olivia is sleeping but she is wiggling her way to the top corner of her crib and nuzzling her face into the bumper. (If I take away the bumper she will have daily chichones!) Her baby monitor is the one that has the sensor pad to detect if she stops breathing so when she wiggles into the corner it goes off and let's us know. Last night it went off twice in a matter of 2 hours! She is swaddled and is LITERALLY worming her way into the corner. My trouble maker, I tell ya! She was SO tired and ready to pass out when Daddy took this picture. He says she was upset because of what I was giving Ella and not her....

You see, we had a VERY fussy day on Thursday that involved Ella suffering from an extremely stuffy nose all day and not taking more than 2-3 ounces per feeding. Between 5:00AM and 8:00PM she had only had 12 ounces of milk so...... I gave in and prepared her a little cereal. I didn't know what else to try and since she's been doing so well taking her medicine from a spoon I said, why not? So I gave it to her. And guess what?????



She wound up eating about a teaspoon full and then she said enough. I think it was just cold but I didn't push and she did excellent. She never spit it out and didn't even push the spoon out of her mouth with her tongue, which I totally expected. I gave her the bottle after and she downed the 3 ounces she had left prior to the cereal in a matter of a minute. Guess all that gooey stuff made her thirsty! We put her to bed right after and she knocked out from 8:30PM to 2:30AM. Today has been a much better day and she is drinking at least 4 ounces at every feeding. I did, however, notice that she had a face full of little red dots today. The same kind she had when we tried to switch her formula to the thicker one with the rice starch. So needless to say, no more rice cereal her. I'm going to give her a few nights off from cereal and see how she does. I don't really want to give it to her daily since the Dr. wants to wait until she's at least 4 months so we will have to wait and see. Ms. Olive Oil is taking in 5 ounces at every feeding and not even stopping to burp, that little piggy! She has no issues.
I haven't snapped any pictures except these today of both of them on their Bumbo seats. I don't think they were too thrilled at first....
but within minutes, they were smiling at each other!
It's amazing to watch them discover each other. Ella was laying on her Boppy today next to me while I was burping Olivia on my lap. All of a sudden Ella just spits out her pacifier and starts "talking" to Olivia. I could not contain my smile. It was from ear to ear! Olivia, of course was paying attention to her bib and not Ella but Ella didn't care. She just stared up and babbled for a good 10 minutes.
No matter how bad my days are, and no matter how crabby I get (and trust me, I get CRABBY!) being a Mom is the most amazing feeling and watching these babies grow and learn just makes my heart grow bigger each day. Pretty soon it might not fit inside my body!! =oP
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