We're back! And Yes, there are plenty of pictures attached! It was such a WONDERFUL trip and as always, it went by too quickly! The babies miss Grammy and Grandpy......and so do I! =o( It was a week of just lounging around...

I know I took more pictures of the babies in their hats and flowers but of course I can't find them now. I think I might have deleted them. =o(

Ella & Olivia LOVED having conversations on this trip. It's like they just "woke up" when we got there.

Don't mind Olivia's nakey legs... Tia preferred to talk than to dress her...

Ella was having a deep conversation with Tia...

Grammy was oiling up Olivia's head to try and remove her cradle cap... She slept through the whole thing and the scabs came off! A ton of hair came off with it but her head is SOOOOO much better!

Again with the conversations...

Tia made her upset... She won't admit it but I think she bit one of those chunky thighs.

This is the smile we get at 5 in the morning when it's time to eat. We aren't supposed to be talking to them so that the feeding is boring and they go right back to bed but how in the world can you not say something to this face????

And here we are on the way home.... =o( The trip back was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO long! They babies were better but the weather was horrible the WHOLE way. It took us 16 hours on the way back down as opposed to 14 on the way up. We were tired! (We slept from 10:30 PM till 7:00 AM!)

This is the face of... "ok Mom, enough of this. Get me OUT!"

Don't let this face fool you... this child is a complainer! (I can't blame her for being stuck in that darn seat ALL day!)

It got hot the minute we left the state of North Carolina so we went slowly undressing. The piggies needed a breather.

Guess who discovered their hands and refuses to stop sucking on them????

No more pictures Mom...Please??????

The second we walked through the door we took them out of the car seats and laid them on their play mat.... Heaven! They stayed their without making a peep for about half and hour while we unpacked some things.

And today... we just lounged. We miss Grammy and Grandpy's house so we didn't quite know what to do with ourselves. Ella did play tummy time for a little bit on their mat. Olivia was eating and crabby so she missed out today...

Here's how we started out...

and now we're contemplating wether we want to continue on tummy time...

Nope, not liking this tummy thing mom!

So, guess what?


"Tummy again?? Mother?"

Ok, Ok.... I give up!

Things you did in North Carolina:
1.) You started having HUGE "conversations."
2.) You discovered your hands and Olivia especially, can't stop sucking on them.
3.) You started drooling which means you started the teething process.
4.) We switched you to Level 2 nipples on your bottles, MUCH better!
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