Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hair Gods, we have a problem!

Today we did NOTHING! Nothing at all! We sat on the couch and played. On top of the fact that I was just tired today and didn't feel to well, the babies were on completely different schedules. They were alternating all day long. I didn't even bring out the camera. These are all with my phone so please excuse the quality.

So as I sat and played with Ella, I came to a realization...
My daughter has a big forehead and not enough hair to cover it! We need bangs, ASAP!
This is the Donald Trump Toupee style....
and this is the, "My mother doesn't own a brush," style.
Much better. But those bangs still need to grow!
Let's not even get me started on that mullet... NOT cute!

Oh Olivia... or should I say "Lizzy, short for Lizard?"
This is your new thing, the tongue out at all possible times.
Who? Me??
Yes, You!
And come to think of it my dear, your forehead isn't falling to far behind Ella.

Olivia's head is SOOO dry but at least there are no scabs. She has a complete stripe across the top of her head where she barely has any hair and then you get the poof in the front and the back. I have to remember to take a picture tomorrow. I have no hopes for her hair anytime soon. Or her head for that matter. I had to fight to get that flower in hair in the first place because it just slides right off. Her hair is really soft and there isn't a lot of it and her head is too small for headbands... What is a Mother to do??


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