I have come to realize that I need my sleep. If they wake up in the middle of the night like they have for the past 2 nights, I don't function! Add to that the fact that they stay awake longer during the day, and I'm beat. So again, today we did nothing. (I have to admit I do take advantage of these days and instead of putting a baby down, and washing the dishes or doing a load of laundry, I hold them and play a little longer. Who could blame me, right?)
We tried something a little different for tummy time today. We added the Boppys! Ella loves her tummy time for the most part and when she's super fussy and fighting her sleep, I put her down on her tummy and she's out like a light! Olivia, on the other hand, has a love/hate relationship. It all depends on her mood. (I wonder where she gets that from? Ha!)
I put her down and didn't even realize it, but I put her smack dab in front of her favorite little red dinosaur. And boy did she find him immediately!
This Chubster is turning into such a butter ball!
Olivia was trying to grab the seams around the zipper of the Boppy.
She doesn't reach out for things yet, but she does grab onto anything that's around her. Usually our shirts or chains and in my case, hair. Ouch!
I left them alone for 5 minutes and I come back to find this...
Ella was mumbling to herself and looking around,
and this little stinker was just chillin'.
Olivia was super fidgety this afternoon but she finally fell asleep at about 7:30PM. I thought she was going to give us a hard time going to bed tonight but she went down rather fast. All that tummy time, I tell ya!
While she slept, Ella and I were very deep in "conversation".
Today, I noticed she is starting to laugh instead of just smiling.
It's a sound that warms my heart and makes all my troubles melt away!

And I would like to point out this alfalfa sprout that has sprouted on top of my daughter's head and will not stay down...
Where is that darn superglue???

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