Monday, February 28, 2011

What a day!

Before I even begin on how bad today was, i'll recap on our semi-exciting weekend...

This weekend was just about running around and doing errands. We booked the Baptism Reception restaurant on Saturday. Sunday night I decided to give this little munchkin some cereal. Well, actually both girls were getting cereal but Ms. Ella wanted to throw a fit instead. She knocked out after about 10 minutes of screaming.

I think she was excited at the thought...

Then she got a taste...

And you would swear she was eating Liver!

Good thing this little spunkster gave it another shot...

MUCH better!

And today.... Olivia did wonderful! Is it me or doesn't she look like a porcelain doll?

Oh that smile... I'm MUSH!
I do have to add though that as of Sunday, she has tears! (and she isn't afraid to use them!)

Ms. Ella... didn't do very well today!
Can't you tell how happy she was?

She cried ALL day long! Nothing would make her happy except being held in my arms while I was standing up and moving around. God forbid I try to sit down! And when I say all day long, I mean all day long. I felt like they were 3 weeks old again! This was one of the 2 smiles I got today...
She was very gassy today and had a lot of reflux. I'm hoping tomorrow(actually today since it's 12:30 AM!) will be a better day.


Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm in Love!

100%, Head over Heels, Madly, Truly, Deeply...


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rubber Ducky... You're the one!

We finally saw the light of day!! We got out of the house for a few hours today. I made sure everything was ready to go a little while before we left so that all I would have to do is feed and dress the babies once they were due. I timed it out perfectly and I must say I am very proud of myself! I also wanted to be back home by the time the girls were due to eat again so I didn't have much time. (It's easier to feed 2 babies spread out on the couch than squeezing in between 2 car seats in the car!) So we ran in and out of the stores quickly. I didn't have much to buy and only went to Toys R Us and Target. Toys R Us was 15 minutes so it gave me a little more browsing time at Target. Daddy wasn't too happy with the receipt amount. HeHe! We got home and the girls took a good 2.5 hour nap. They were tired since they don't really like to sleep when we are out any more. They would rather browse with me.

I had a student chef for dinner. She quietly observed my grilled cheese and ham making, tater tot baking skills!
I swear I'm looking in a mirror when I look at this child!
And this child's cheeks look like they are going to explode!!!
And if you are wondering about her pants. She thought it would be cute to pee all over them, AND my couch. (I could have had something to do with that since I didn't change her diaper before her nap, but we are going to stick with blaming her.) I'm glad my furniture is scotch guarded!
All that "cooking" made her tired!
Oh and that Rubber Ducky title?????
Olivia reached for her first toy tonight!!!!!!!!!
I put the ducky on her chest while she was in the tub and she inched her way towards him.


She was so proud of herself and I could not have been prouder! I started screaming for Daddy to come over and see her. It is such an amazing feeling to watch your baby reach a milestone!
Truly unbelievable!
This little ducky holds a special place in my heart... I think i'll call him, Howard!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Reality is... I'm Tired! Yes, Tired with a very big capital T!
Reality is.... not much blogging is going to get done if I don't get some decent sleep and quick!
Last night wasn't too bad as far as the girls but horrible with all the back pain I am having. Handling 2 babies, all day, by yourself, everyday, gets to be painful.

I might be partial but I swear I could stare at these little boogers all day!
Can you tell Olivia was NOT happy? She also scratched her face to pieces. I had to cut her nails twice last week. Those things are seriously growing like weeds!
And it was really hard to capture in a picture, but this girl's eye lashes are straight out of a fairy tale. Not only are they long but they have the most dramatic curl!
And apparently, they have a hard life around here...
And this is for Tia Genelle...
"Tanky for our chairs! We kinda topple over in them now but I'm sure we will grow into them in a few months!"
"Excuse my sad expression, I was tired and getting ready for bed."

Nothing much is going on around here. I'm not getting out much just because I would rather try and catch a nap on the couch every chance I get. The girls are growing every day and have really started laughing a lot more rather than just smiling. It's the most incredible little laugh! Today was the exception. I fear Ella might be coming down with a little cold because she's just not herself. She did not want to be put down all day. (And I must say that trying to juggle 2 babies at the same time causes severe back pain!) Hopefully she's not sick and just fussy. I want to try to leave the house tomorrow but we'll have to see. If not, I will just be forced to treat myself to another day of naps! Ha!


Friday, February 18, 2011

We're back!

These were taken after I posted my last blog post so I figured I would add them now... They're so stinkin' cute, it's not funny!

You will have to forgive our hiatus... it was a rough week around here. These little monkeys were still NOT sleeping! Well actually, let me correct that. Ella, was not sleeping! She was up every 2 1/2 to 3 hours to eat. Olivia is sleeping but she is wiggling her way to the top corner of her crib and nuzzling her face into the bumper. (If I take away the bumper she will have daily chichones!) Her baby monitor is the one that has the sensor pad to detect if she stops breathing so when she wiggles into the corner it goes off and let's us know. Last night it went off twice in a matter of 2 hours! She is swaddled and is LITERALLY worming her way into the corner. My trouble maker, I tell ya! She was SO tired and ready to pass out when Daddy took this picture. He says she was upset because of what I was giving Ella and not her....
You see, we had a VERY fussy day on Thursday that involved Ella suffering from an extremely stuffy nose all day and not taking more than 2-3 ounces per feeding. Between 5:00AM and 8:00PM she had only had 12 ounces of milk so...... I gave in and prepared her a little cereal. I didn't know what else to try and since she's been doing so well taking her medicine from a spoon I said, why not? So I gave it to her. And guess what?????

She wound up eating about a teaspoon full and then she said enough. I think it was just cold but I didn't push and she did excellent. She never spit it out and didn't even push the spoon out of her mouth with her tongue, which I totally expected. I gave her the bottle after and she downed the 3 ounces she had left prior to the cereal in a matter of a minute. Guess all that gooey stuff made her thirsty! We put her to bed right after and she knocked out from 8:30PM to 2:30AM. Today has been a much better day and she is drinking at least 4 ounces at every feeding. I did, however, notice that she had a face full of little red dots today. The same kind she had when we tried to switch her formula to the thicker one with the rice starch. So needless to say, no more rice cereal her. I'm going to give her a few nights off from cereal and see how she does. I don't really want to give it to her daily since the Dr. wants to wait until she's at least 4 months so we will have to wait and see. Ms. Olive Oil is taking in 5 ounces at every feeding and not even stopping to burp, that little piggy! She has no issues.

I haven't snapped any pictures except these today of both of them on their Bumbo seats. I don't think they were too thrilled at first....
but within minutes, they were smiling at each other!
It's amazing to watch them discover each other. Ella was laying on her Boppy today next to me while I was burping Olivia on my lap. All of a sudden Ella just spits out her pacifier and starts "talking" to Olivia. I could not contain my smile. It was from ear to ear! Olivia, of course was paying attention to her bib and not Ella but Ella didn't care. She just stared up and babbled for a good 10 minutes.

No matter how bad my days are, and no matter how crabby I get (and trust me, I get CRABBY!) being a Mom is the most amazing feeling and watching these babies grow and learn just makes my heart grow bigger each day. Pretty soon it might not fit inside my body!! =oP


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back to not sleeping...

I don't know what's up with these little boogers but they need to get their nightly sleep schedule back on track, QUICK! I feel like they are 3 weeks old again and up all night. Last night they went to bed at 9:30PM. They woke up at 1:30, 4:00, 6:00 and 8:00AM! The only time they didn't eat was at 4:00AM. I was beat today to say the least. I literally slept, washed and prepared bottles, and changed diapers. That's it! I forced myself to snap these pictures because they are the cutest things! Olivia is constantly grabbing onto things now and she kept trying to grab Ella's hand while they were under their play gym.
I know she didn't know what she was doing but I couldn't help that warm fuzzy feeling I got. I hope they grow up to be the best of friends and always know how special having a sister is. God knows I do!
Daddy had not seen his girls sitting in their seats. Olivia looks so big... but yet so tiny.
Daddy also swears he heard her say OK tonight (Ha!). I don't think I've seen a little kid on Christmas morning as excited as he was. His face was priceless!
And a note to self... The more time I sleep during the day, the less messy the house gets! =)


Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines & 3 Months

Happy Valentines Day!

My babies are 3 months old as of yesterday... and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'm sad that it's over and I won't ever have those moments back but I am excited that we are feeling like we are starting to get over the hill and we can see into a future with no colic, no screaming babies and more than 3 hours of sleep! I tried as best as I could to enjoy these past 3 months, but I can't lie, it's been HARD! Having 2 babies is no joke. But through it all, these girls have been the most amazing God given gift and I have LOVED being their Mom! I am thankful that I did make such an effort to enjoy every second of their lives, even the moments where I felt I was going to lose my sanity! (and boy, were those moments often. Ha!)

Friday was a very rough day around here. The girls were beyond fussy. They didn't want to be put down and were crying much of the day. It's not as easy maneuvering 2 three months old as it was when they were 3 weeks old. They, apparently, didn't receive that memo and thought I was here for their every whim... let's just say my ears still hurt.

Saturday, we had some friends over to meet the girls for the first time. They were on their best behavior those little rascals! You would think my days are easy with the way they behaved.

Sunday, after our guests left, we went to an RV show. We fell in love and it's definitely on our Christmas list! The road trips with cousins are going to be priceless! Now of course, it was back to us with no guests and guess who decided to have about 5 different melt downs? And of course, they can't pick and choose who has the melt down so they both just decide to melt down together! We went to dinner at Red Robin and because it's tradition, we got the babies cupcakes for their 3 "month-a-versary." Tia Cindy has those pictures on her camera so as soon as we get those, I have to update them on here.

Today, started out with Ella taking her medicine. She's been fighting taking it so I tried something different. I sat her in the Bumbo seat, which she is totally ready for, and gave her the medicine with a spoon and she did EXCELLENT! She didn't even spill one bit of it. She is SO ready for cereal! The Dr. doesn't want to start until they turn 4 months old so we are patiently waiting. I just bought the cereal this past weekend just to be prepared...
Then it was off to take pictures in their Valentines Day outfits! I think Olivia thought I would give her chocolate if she smiled and cooperated... Mmmmmm!
"Who? Me?"
My beautiful girls!!!

"Hi Abuelita! Mommy says that this is your face, only cuter!" Ha!

Do you know how hard it is to get 2 babies to smile at the same time??
The best I could do...
"Excuse me mommy, but all these pictures are making me tired. I'll just lean here on sissy for a bit!"
Nothing in the world is better than spending the day with the biggest loves in my life!

Ms. Ella...
What you were up to this month:
1. You wear a size 1 diaper although I don't give you much more time with them.
2. You wear size 3 month clothing but you feet are getting tight in the footsie PJ's.
3. You are drinking 4-5 ounces of milk every 3 hours.
4. You were sleeping from 10PM to 7AM for a while but have now reverted to waking up at 3AM and thinking it's play time.
5. We just switched you to your crib and you have done great. You fall asleep almost instantly.
6. Your reflux is much better. You have a few more spit-ups but your nose is much clearer.
7. You now only sleep with your legs in the swaddle and if you are too fussy, one arm swaddled.
8. You LOVE having "conversations," and can spend your day talking to us.
9. You are still in a deep and committed relationship with the fans and the dinette light.
10. You like to watch TV but only for about 10-15 minutes and then you let us know you have had enough. (I usually play Baby Einstein DVD's.)
11. You have started to get unhappy when I walk away from you and you can't see me, especially when I try to put you down for a nap during the day.

Ms. Olivia...
What you were up to this month:
1. You wear a size 1 diaper and they are actually a little loose on you.
2. You wear 3 month clothing but are also starting to get tight around the feet. You are still very skinny and long!
3. You are drinking 4 ounces of milk every 3 hours.
4. You were sleeping from 10PM to 7AM for a while but have now reverted to waking up at 3AM and thinking it's play time.
5. You have also gone to your crib but as always, you take a while to fall asleep and stay asleep. You run circles around your crib. Every time we get up to check on you, you are in a completely different position.
6. You are still needing to be swaddled because you just don't stop flailing those cute little arms. You are a total Wiggle-Worm!
7. You LOVE watching TV and will look for it when ever Daddy is feeding you in our bed. You LOVE the Baby Einstein DVD's and have even watched a video twice in a row.

You are both growing and thriving and make Mommy and Daddy the happiest people on earth!
