Isn't it amazing how much this child looks like her father???
(She got the cute gene though! Ha!)

We finally started eating puffs. I was waiting because I was afraid that they weren't ready plus if Daddy saw either of them gagging or choking on a puff, he would probably have a heart attack!
Ella picked it up with her pinchers on the first try! I was a very proud Mommy!
Olivia would pick it up with all her fingers and then it would get stuck in the palm of her hand. She couldn't figure out how to get it into her mouth...

(We fed her this puff.)
Now this...

This is a problem!
I was making myself breakfast and I look over to find Little Miss Houdini-ette,
trying to crawl out of her rocker.
Apparently it bored her and she decided she had enough time in the rocker.
I was tempted to find the duct tape...

Me? What did I do???

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