How does a blog that is supposed to be updated daily, go to being updated once a month?
I ask myself that question every night when I think about blogging.
And truth be told, I just don't feel like it!
I'm tired!
I'm stressed!
I'm overwhelmed!
I'm frustrated!
I'm worried!
I'm anxious!
I'm preoccupied!
I'm about damn near ready to lose my mind!
Life with twins is hard! It's incredibly emotional, incredibly exhausting, and incredibly wonderful! And yes, ALL at the same time. Most days, I just want to scream "I miss my Mommy" because doing this without her is damn near impossible. She always told me that a woman carries ALL the responsibilities of her family. She runs the house, the kids, the husband, the family, the phone calls, the finances, the plans, the worries, and the chaos. I didn't grasp the reality of her words until recently. Carrying all this weight around is exhausting and no lie, there are days when I wonder how and, if, I can even do it all.
Then I see these faces and I remember that I don't have a choice. Like my sister-in-law says, "Switch to survival mode and just go!"

(No, Daddy did not give permission for the bikinis. Mommy just didn't tell him! Ha!)
I have decided that for my sanity, I need to switch things up around here. I am going to try and get out of the house at least twice during the week. I usually try to avoid it because it's such a long ordeal to get 2 babies ready and out the door, let alone all the luggage I have to carry around with me. I feel like i'm going on a weekend trip sometimes. I am going to sign us up for classes at the library starting in August. I am going to find the best, non-toxic, insect repellent I can get my hands on and take these babies, and Cody, on a walk. I am going to try and get dressed before I leave the house instead of throwing on yoga pants and a t-shirt. I am going to attempt to remember how to put make-up on before I go too. I am going to go buy myself something once a week, even if it's a pack of head bands! (Somehow I misplace those. A LOT!) I am going to make sure my toe nails are always painted. For some reason it just makes me feel a little bit more put together. I am going to try to remember to just sit and ENJOY my babies for however long I can! They are growing up too fast! I am NOT going to fight with Olivia because she doesn't want to take her milk. I am just going to adjust the schedule and try to give her as much as I can when I know she'll take it, like every night when she cuddles in bed with Daddy. I am not going to worry if I don't have a whole lot to say on this blog. I am going to post what ever it is I feel that day because this is for my girls. Whether they just like to read about what it was like for me when they were small, whether they just want to laugh at a funny picture, or if they just want to one day feel that they are not alone. This is ALL for them.
And speaking of them...
This past month has been the hardest month since they were born. They are wanting a lot more attention and activity. They scream when they don't get what they want. And boy, do they know what they want! They get cuter by the day and literally do something new every day.
This is Ella today, trying to bend down far enough to eat her foot.

When that didn't work...

She tried to lift her foot to her mouth! I was laughing hysterically because I could see the little wheels in her mind starting to spin as she debated on the best possible method of putting said foot, in said mouth!
Don't even try to tell me that this is not the cutest thing you have seen in your life!
I have my very own Pebbles!

And we FINALLY got to use the wagon! This is the first thing I bought for the babies when I found out we were pregnant.

They rode in it all the way to Tia Cindy's house on 4th of July! It was a sight to see these 2 bikini princesses riding down the sidewalk. Ella had a ball. Olivia, as you can see by her pose and her expression, was glued to the side of that wagon as if her life depended on it! She's on a scare-d-cat phase at the moment. Is that even a word??
Oh and where are Olivia's pictures you ask? Well, tell her to sit still long enough for me to snap one and then you'll get some! That child is a rolly-poly, literally!
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