Our first beach day!
(It was all Tia Genelle's idea! She always wants to go to the beach.)
I wasn't sure about how this was going to go since these little munchkins have been a tad fussy for the past few weeks. As I predicted, the fun lasted for the first 10 minutes. We went into meltdown mode shortly after.
Olivia loved the sand. She kept jumping up and down and looking at her toes. I couldn't even get her to look up at me for the picture!
Ella was a little unsure but I think she liked it. She kept digging her feet into the sand and sank all the way up to her ankles.
I LOVE sandy little toesies!
Once we saw that things were going downhill, we gave them a bottle and laid them down for a bit. I didn't think they were going to sleep since the sand was so compacted and hard but they knocked out almost immediately.

They slept for about 30 minutes and woke up happy so I figured we would try to put them in the water. It was freezing cold so they weren't having any of it. We laid on the mat and played with them for a while and after about an hour, we attempted it again. This time they didn't even protest. They loved it!! I didn't get any pictures because all of us were in the water with them. We bounced them and let them splash around for a good 10 minutes. They would have stayed longer but I didn't want them in the sun very long. They are really starting to love the water.
Isn't beach hair usually a good thing??

Overall I would definitely take them to the beach again! It's a mission and a half with all the extra stuff we have to take but it's worth it to see them have so much fun!
Is it a little bright in here??
Here is what you're up to at 7 months old:
Ms. Ella:
1. You LOVE food! You drink about 25 ounces of milk a day along with 3 meals. You usually start with cereal and a fruit for breakfast. A yogurt with a fruit for lunch or sometimes a veggie and a fruit, and mixed veggies and a meat with a fruit for dinner.
2. You are as impatient and whiny as your Mother! UGH! Especially when it comes to food. You start wailing the minute you see a spoonful going to Olivia and not you. You cannot see a bottle or see a bib without panting like a doggy. You would think I don't feed you chubsters!
3. You are wearing 6 month clothing and some 6-9 footsie PJ's. I think I change your clothes more now than when you were first born. You love to spill food on yourself or my favorite, you love to sneeze with a mouth full of food!
4. You are still lazy as ever. You don't like to roll over unless you want to reach a toy. If you are tired of being in a certain position you pretty much just scream until we move you.
5. You still aren't sitting or attempting to crawl and trust me, I'm not in a hurry!
6. You are very sentimental. I have had to very strongly tell you no a few times and you just look at me, pout, water your eyes and then just scream! It breaks my heart to have you look at me that way but sometimes your whining is OUT of control!
Ms. Olivia:
1. Oh Olivia! You are such a trouble maker! You and food are not seeing eye to eye at the moment! You DO NOT want to drink your milk. And I mean DO NOT! I can get about 10-12 ounces of actual formula in you a day and the rest we do by giving you yogurt or formula mixed with your cereal. We had to call the Dr. after about a week of struggling to get you to drink and she said that you need about 20-25 ounces of dairy a day. She said we can continue to give you yogurt and we can also try cottage cheese and that will count. I still try to give you as much formula as I can but NOTHING I do will make you drink more. I have tried it all, literally. (Even trying to give you milk in a regular cup, sip by sip.)
2. You are still a spunky little jumping bean! Your new thing in the morning is that you stay lying down with your eyes closed until we come to get you. Once you hear the door open you open your eyes but stay very still. Once we come over your crib you become a wild child! You start flailing your arms and legs and start rolling from one side of the crib to the other and then back again. We just stand there and laugh at you. You are so funny!
3. You are wearing mostly 6 month clothes and PJ's. You are long and skinny as always. If you keep eating the way you are now, you are really gonna turn into a real life "olive oyl!"
4. I keep thinking that you are going to start attempting to sit or crawl soon because you are all over the place... but so far, Nada! I think you just like to roll over to where you want to go.
5. We have to tie you down to everything! You seem to wiggle out of every contraption we put you in. (Minus the jumperoo.)
6. You are a nosy busy body. You want to know what's going on in every corner of the house and will strain your neck to see. I would swear you have ADHD! You can't sit still when something grabs your attention. And might I add that something new grabs your attention every 5 minutes!

I thank God that you guys are healthy, happy and growing!
I say it all the time and will keep saying it, but you guys are just growing up too fast!
I can't believe you are 7 months already. I have already started planning your first birthday! How insane is that? Weren't you just born?
Nothing in this world makes your Daddy and I happier than being your parents!
You make our life worthwhile and I wish there were more words to explain just how much we love you!
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