Literally! I see a tiny pinhole of light at the end of a very loooong tunnel. Today I felt like we had a routine going during the day for the first time and it was wonderful. You woke up as usual around 7AM. We fed you your bottles and instead of me trying to sneak in another hour of sleep upstairs, we brought you down and put you in the swings. You slept for 3 hours. It's amazing all the things that can get done if you get out of bed early! I won't lie, I was EXHAUSTED, but I need to start getting up early and if it helps you guys get into a routine sooner, I will gladly sacrifice! You woke up at 10:30, I fed you and we played for a little while. By 11:30, you were ready for another nap so I swaddled you up and instead of both of you in the swing, I put Olivia in the play pen. I want to start putting you down for naps in your crib but I'm taking it one tiny step at a time. You slept again for almost 3 hours. After the next feeding things didn't go so well. Afternoons around this house are rough! You both just cry ALL afternoon long. Take it one day at a time is all I can do. I do, however, love the fact that when you cry, you usually just want me to hold you. I gladly comply. (It's just not so easy when both of you cry at the same time, which you LOVE to do. Ha!)
Ella's eyelashes filled in over night I noticed. I just hope they start curling up and stop growing straight down like her daddy's...
Olivia did very well sleeping in the playpen. I think it's the fact that she was in there by herself and didn't have anyone else wiggling around.
Now who's child is this?? I don't recall giving birth to a red-headed child!
And just one of the millions of faces Olivia gives me daily. There is NEVER going to be a dull moment in this house I guarantee you.
Excuse the brightness here but I just want to remember those blue eyes. This is what they look like in real life on both girls. Pictures just don't usually do them justice!

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