That has been my motto for the last few days around here and I don't feel guilty one bit for breaking my daily goal!
Thursday was packing day and since Daddy had to work ALL day long, it was up to me to pack. If it wasn't because Tia Cindy helped me with the girls... I would still be home packing!
Friday we were driving and it was a ROUGH trip. The girls usually do so well in the car and of course the one time we NEEDED them to do well, they didn't! They were just tired of being locked up in the car seat and wanted to be held so we did the best we could and got here in a little over 14 hours.
Saturday was "vegging" day around the house and enjoying the babies. NO ONE got out of their PJ's. And today....
It started with Grandpa taking control of the stroller with Grammy and Tia Genelle today at Target. Mommy and Daddy stayed back somewhere. (I don't think they noticed we were missing.)
When we got home, Uncle Gaby was complaining that we were taking too long to change a diaper so he said he would do it and to start timing him. He gave himself 2 minutes...
Then this happened...
Guess what his little bundle was doing at that very second...Ha, Ha!
Here is Gaby trying not to breathe....

Here is Gaby calling my baby an alien because he doesn't believe something SO smelly can come from a tiny human...
and here is Gaby handing over the reigns to Grammy because he just couldn't cut it...the WUSS!
Ummmm... Tio, did you expect it to smell any different if you touched it????
Here are the little bundles enjoying all the attention they're getting...
Tia's been on "baby duty" AAALLLLLL weekend!
The girl's were loving having conversations with Grandpa...
and being snuggled by Grammy! (We just won't mention that Grammy gave Ella a "chichon" on her forehead this morning. It's Ella's fault, she just put herself on the Boppy and then positioned herself right under Grammy's elbow...)
She doesn't seem to mind however!

They also liked having conversations with Grammy...
I think they know that no two girls are loved more on this earth...
and that makes Mommy's heart smile!