Sunday, January 30, 2011

Family Time over Blogging

That has been my motto for the last few days around here and I don't feel guilty one bit for breaking my daily goal!

Thursday was packing day and since Daddy had to work ALL day long, it was up to me to pack. If it wasn't because Tia Cindy helped me with the girls... I would still be home packing!

Friday we were driving and it was a ROUGH trip. The girls usually do so well in the car and of course the one time we NEEDED them to do well, they didn't! They were just tired of being locked up in the car seat and wanted to be held so we did the best we could and got here in a little over 14 hours.

Saturday was "vegging" day around the house and enjoying the babies. NO ONE got out of their PJ's. And today....

It started with Grandpa taking control of the stroller with Grammy and Tia Genelle today at Target. Mommy and Daddy stayed back somewhere. (I don't think they noticed we were missing.)
When we got home, Uncle Gaby was complaining that we were taking too long to change a diaper so he said he would do it and to start timing him. He gave himself 2 minutes...

Then this happened...
Guess what his little bundle was doing at that very second...Ha, Ha!
Here is Gaby trying not to breathe....
Here is Gaby calling my baby an alien because he doesn't believe something SO smelly can come from a tiny human...
and here is Gaby handing over the reigns to Grammy because he just couldn't cut it...the WUSS!
Ummmm... Tio, did you expect it to smell any different if you touched it????
Here are the little bundles enjoying all the attention they're getting...
Tia's been on "baby duty" AAALLLLLL weekend!
The girl's were loving having conversations with Grandpa...
and being snuggled by Grammy! (We just won't mention that Grammy gave Ella a "chichon" on her forehead this morning. It's Ella's fault, she just put herself on the Boppy and then positioned herself right under Grammy's elbow...)
She doesn't seem to mind however!
They also liked having conversations with Grammy...
I think they know that no two girls are loved more on this earth...
and that makes Mommy's heart smile!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tummy Time

Well I don't know who loves the new play mat or the girls? They really like tummy time on the mat. I don't know if it's the texture or the semi-softness of it or what, but whatever it is, we love!!! They also love all the colors...
I don't know what Olivia looks like but I can't stop laughing! She was so into that red little dinosaur...
Ella was like "huh?"
I was able to leave them lying on there while I did some stuff around the house for almost an hour. They even fell asleep for a bit too! =o)
We had a great night with Ella again. She went from 10:30 till 6! Olivia woke up at 2:45AM and then again at 7AM. Not too bad! Let's see how we do tomorrow with all the packing I need to do for N.C. on Friday! Yippee!!!!!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quick Post...

This is going to be quick tonight because Mommy is TIRED!!!

Guess who slept through the night last night??? Ella AND Olivia!!!! WooHoo!! They went to bed at 10PM and Olivia woke up at 5AM and Ella at 6AM! They went back to bed and woke up at 9! We were more than thrilled... and rested. Good thing because this morning was rough. I haven't had a morning like today since they were just a couple weeks old I think. They were both unhappy and wanted to be held and as you can imagine, it's not easy juggling 2 at one time. They cried for over an hour and NOTHING soothed them. How happy do they look? Ha!

This afternoon I opened the play mat the girls got for Christmas just so it can air out and flatten by the time we get back from North Carolina in a week and a half. (I'm dying to clear out and organize the play room!) The girls loved it. I think I might be able to leave them on there while they're awake so that I can get things done.
Daddy came home and took over baby duty. (I think this munchkin is a sucker for her daddy.) She gives him many more "conversations" than she gives me! We're gonna have to remind her who spends ALL day with her and changes ALL her diapers!!!


Monday, January 24, 2011

We're back...!

Let's just say that it was a busy Saturday and a rough Sunday! I had every intention of blogging but I was just soooo exhausted and to boot, I got sick! =0( Saturday, "Tia Abuela" (HaHa!) came to visit with Laura, the Visa-Abuelos and Mary, and out of all the things I had planned to do....very few got done! I just didn't feel good.

Sunday was housework day and again, so many plans and very few got done. I actually took a 2 hour nap which I NEVER do...

Today was a fussy day. Ella REFUSED to sleep longer than 10 minutes and Olivia gave me a 3 hour nap. When I finally get Ella down at about 5PM, Olivia decided that she wanted to be carried and bounced around. Never a dull moment I tell ya! How could you say no to this face???

And this face???? She's smiling and "talking" so much! She's awake and alert for hours at a time and we just sit and have "conversations." Saturday I finally started to give her Prevacid and I have seen so much improvement. No more choking in the middle of the night and she's taking her bottles without stopping for a break. We're still working on the congestion in her nose but the Dr. said to give it at least 4-5 days and if she needs more then we can give her the full pill instead of half.

Sea Turtle Face!


They are looking so big to me...Please stop growing for a little while. I swear I will hit the play button in a few weeks!


Friday, January 21, 2011

I hate Reflux!!!

I see this face and my heart breaks!! She hates this too!
Ella doesn't seem to be getting better with the Zantac and I don't see any difference with the formula so we are going to get Prevacid tomorrow morning and give that a shot. I can't stand one more day of her not breathing clearly or choking because of her spit ups!! Today was a pretty good day since we were out most of the early afternoon. She slept A LOT and didn't get a feeding between 10:30AM and 3:00PM. Once that 3:00PM feeding hit her stomach though, things just went downhill. She's drinking some of her milk at her feeding time but stopping and waiting another hour or so to ask for more. I don't want her to get to the point where she's associating the milk with her reflux and not taking any. My poor Chubster! =o(

And this of course is the face of a child that has NO reflux and hasn't a care in the world...

People constantly stop us wherever we go because of the twins and they always point out that Ella looks like she's gonna be the trouble maker in the family... Am I in for a surprise???


Thursday, January 20, 2011

My baby has breast milk!

Yes, you read correctly! Olivia has breast milk! (Now I know why I never got a full supply, she took it! Ha!) In all seriousness, I noticed that Olivia had two lumps on her boobies yesterday. When I was giving her a bath, I felt the lumps again and squeezed them to see if it was just fatty tissue or an actual ball and to my very big surprise, she leaked a milky substance. We went into the Dr. today and she confirmed that the lumps are indeed normal and so is the breast milk. It's not very common but it is normal. My actual pediatrician had never seen it but knew about it. She confirmed with the other pediatrician in the office and he has seen it before. Apparently Olivia took in all my hormones during pregnancy because she has VERY bad cradle cap and now the breast milk, all caused by mommy's hormones!

Excuse the attire and the lack of bows... The Dr. wanted me to keep them in onesies for a while in order for their eczema to clear up some and Olivia did have on a cute onesie but she got it all dirty with a leaky diaper the minute we got home. The bows flew off because we have NOT been happy all afternoon and bouncing between mommy's arms, rocker, swing and boppys can cause giant bows to fly! (Much to Tia Genelle's delight...)

My babies are growing mullets!!
And just about the only seconds we were happy this afternoon! They have been non-stop since we got home. I think they don't like the house, I swear! The Dr. did switch Ella's formula now to Enfamil A.R. It is a thicker formula so we are going to see if that helps with the reflux because I'm not seeing much of a difference with the Zantac. If the formula doesn't work... off to Prevacid we go!

Truth be told, I wouldn't trade any horrible fussy, non-stop crying day with these little faces for anything in this world!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sooooooo Tired!

I am blogging today with every itty-bitty ounce of energy left in me because I am POOPED!
Today was another day of trying to stick to our routine and although it wasn't as good as yesterday, I must say we did pretty well! I actually got to mop the floors today! It's been 3 months since the mop and bucket have seen the light of day. (Mother, don't have a cow, I "Swiffered" and steam mopped in those 3 months!) Now don't ask me if I put the mop and bucket away... Ella decided she liked it better in the foyer. She kept crying as I was trying to clean it up and put it away so there it stayed...

To the inventor of the baby sling.... you are officially my very favorite person in the world!! When all else fails to calm these babies down, I just plop them in and presto! (Now how do I clone myself so that there are 2 of me so we can each carry a baby?) Ella's reflux doesn't seem to be getting any better with the Zantac so she wasn't a happy camper. A few more days and we might have to put in a call to the doctor... =o(
Tonight Olivia was in full blown conversation with her Daddy!
Daddy was explaining that she isn't allowed to drive until she turns 30. At first she talked him down into allowing her at 25. By the end of the conversation, he told her she could have anything she wanted!! Daddy is a pile of mush when it comes to his babies. They have him so tightly wrapped around their little fingers. He doesn't know how much trouble he's in for! Ha!

I don't know if you can tell how she felt about that... =o)
