For the first time since these munchkins were born, it's quiet before 11PM! Woo Hoo! Getting there wasn't easy for Ms. E though. She has not wanted to go to bed or to nap for the last few days without being held so today I finally decided that she needed to cry it out. Cry she did! We put them down at about 8:30 and the crying lasted about 30 minutes. Now she's sleeping like a baby should! We felt bad for Ms. O who went to sleep within 3 minutes of putting her down. She has to share a room with Captain Crabby Patty! Ha!
Now Daddy and I are actually sitting down, enjoying a cup of coffee together and having an adult conversation without babies throwing fits. I almost forgot what this feels like!
Yesterday, I thought I wanted to get out of the house so I got up early and got the girls and myself dressed. By the time we got downstairs, reality started to set in. Bottles had to be washed, water had to be heated and put in a Thermos (God Forbid they have room temperature water!), baby bag had to be restocked and the babies were due for another feeding in about an hour and a half. I quickly changed my mind. We hung out and watched TV instead.
They did have bows in their hair and shoes on their feet but this was right after a nap.
I want to eat these feetsies!
Hi Mommy!
And this is how Ms. O sleeps when she isn't swaddled. Usually it's with 2 hands up in the air!
Today we literally ate breakfast at noon and stayed in bed the rest of the afternoon. Babies included. We watched cartoons to our hearts content and Ms. E even slept 2 hours past her feeding because she was all cuddled up with Daddy!
They also got their first pony tail tonight!

Then Ms. O discovered the little critters on her PJ and her attention was all over it!
Her hair is also starting to grow back! (Thank God!)
Daddy and I are going to try and go to bed and actually watch some TV before we go to sleep. I'm hoping this will be the beginning of a "new" normal around here.
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