What you were up to...
Ms. Ella:
1. You weigh 12 lbs, 13 ozs and are in the 50th percentile for weight!
2. You measure 24 1/2 inches and are in the 25th percentile for height!
3. You wear a size 2 diaper.
4. You still wear size 3 month clothing except for the footsie PJ's which you now wear 3-6 month.
5. Your feet have started getting chunky... =( I miss my tiny feetsies!)
6. You are starting to do better and enjoy tummy time for a little bit longer each day.
7. You laugh A LOT!
8. You are no longer needing to be swaddled. We just lay you down while you're awake and you put yourself to sleep flat on your back, arms up!
9. You are still drinking about 4 to 5 ounces every 3 hours and you just got "official" clearance to start eating cereal.

Ms. Olivia:
1. You weigh 11 lbs, 6 ozs and are in the 5th percentile for weight!
2. You measure 24 inches in length and are in the 25th percentile for height!
3. You're head just made it onto the growth chart! Ha!
4. You still wear a size 1 diaper.
5. You are wearing mostly 3 month clothing and just started wearing 3-6 month footsie PJ's.
6. You still drink 4 ounces of milk every 3 hours and also got clearance for cereal.
7. You HATE tummy time and scream your head off.
8. We have tried weaning you off the swaddling and you did fine for a few days but we had to put you back in it. You will NOT stay asleep if we don't!
9. Your allergies are HORRIBLE and we can't figure out what is causing them. You scratch your head and face to the point of leaving marks!

Overall, you guys are happy, healthy, and content babies! I can't believe you are getting so big!