I really debated whether or not I should continue this blog given the fact that I have completely abandoned it. Life continues to get more and more complicated and when I say I have ZERO time, I mean ZERO time! With 2 babies, a house, a business to run, a very sick mother-in-law, and her affairs to run, I can honestly say that I have had several break downs! Mentally it's more than I can take. But instead of completely closing shop, I have decided to just update monthly until I can keep up again... whenever that may be.
Ms. Ella
1. Oh my chubsters! You weigh 18.4 lbs! You are growing so fast lately. I have started to notice that you are loosing your baby features and starting to look more like a toddler.
2. You are wearing 9 month clothing mostly and have JUST started to wear 12 month pj's. Since you hit the 6 month mark, I have had to continually make sure that you wear all your clothes because you wear things once and that is it!
3. You are in between shoe sizes right now. 2's are too small and 3's are a little too big. You have really chunky feet.
4. You are still a lazy bum. You refuse to crawl or even attempt to. You are content with just sitting there and screaming until someone gives you a toy or Olivia comes up to you with one and you take it. The battles are beginning! The Dr. want to keep an eye on you because you should be crawling already. She says we will re-check you at a year and as long as you are making progress we won't need to put you in physical therapy. You might just turn out to be the lazy bum we are always saying you are! Ha!
5. You eat like a champ. You love to pick things up with your fingers and there isn't anything that we have given you that you won't eat. I can't even pin point something that would be your favorite because you inhale everything!
6. You have a few allergies to something that we can't figure out. It usually shows up in the form of a small rash out of no where. You have had several reactions in the last month where I have had to give you Benadryl. It was really weird because it was usually just your legs that broke out into hives. No further issues though, Thank God!
I can't say it enough, you are a VERY happy and healthy baby.

Ms. Olivia aka TROUBLE!
1. You my wiggle worm, are 16.4 lbs! Still long, skinny, and petite! (I kinda like that you are so small, you will grow into a big girl much to quickly and this way I enjoy you a little more.)
2. You are also wearing 9 month clothing and 12 month pj's, but only because of your length. I could stuff 2 more of you in your pj's because they are too wide and big on you.
3. The same goes for your feetsies! You have your momma's long and skinny feet so 2's are too short and 3's are too wide. We have to tighten them a little extra to get them to stay.
4. Unlike your sister, you are ALL OVER the place. You JUST learned to crawl and we cannot keep you anywhere without tying you down. You love to explore! The Dr. was also a little worried about you not pulling yourself up on things or trying to stand but since you are already getting around, we don't think it will be an issue.
5. You are our picky eater! You make such a fuss to eat. You like what your are eating usually, but you don't want to sit still long enough to eat it! It takes us forever sometimes, especially with milk. We had to switch you over to regular formula because you refused your specialty formula. Your allergies were not happy!
6. As I said, your allergies were NOT happy with your formula change. You are covered with Eczema all down your arms, legs, and the back of your neck and upper back. They don't seem to bother you too much and as long as there are no internal affects, we would prefer to treat the Eczema and have you drink your milk.
This is what you get when you try to get pictures of a wiggly worm...Ha!
No matter how hard things get around here, having you munchkins makes our days the happiest ever!
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