Oh, we've been gone for a while?
I hadn't noticed! I don't even remember all of the reasons but there were a lot! Starting with NO internet for over a month and a half!! (The phone company and I were not on very good terms!) Then when everything is fine and I start getting back into the swing of things, the AC breaks and we pretty much have to move out of the house for a little over a week! NEVER a dull moment! I am now planning to come back full force and go back to blogging daily. Well, almost daily. Ha!
My babies are now 6 months old! How did that happen? They have changed SO much since the last time I blogged....
What you were up to:
Ms. Ella:
1.) You are drinking 5-6 ounces of formula every 3 hours. Usually it's 5 1/2 ounces.
2.) You LOVE solids! You act like if we have starved you for the last 6 months. You open your eyes and mouth whenever you see the spoon as if I was serving you chocolate! There hasn't been a food I have given you yet that you have not liked. I even gave you bits of ham to munch on.
3.) You weigh _____ and measure _____.
4.) You still wear a size 2 diaper and although I keep thinking it will change soon, you still fit fine into them.
5.) You are wearing 3-6 month clothing and some 6 month. You wear a size 2 shoe.
6.) You are still Lazy with a capital L! You do things when you are good and ready and do not care. You mostly sleep on your back still and only in the last few nights have you been going on your side.
7.) You grab EVERYTHING! Not only what's around you anymore. You will move yourself where ever you are to get to whatever it is that you want. It's usually not toys though. You prefer everything that you are NOT allowed to play with.
8.) You are a TALKER! You say nana, gaga, dada, baba and mama! It's usually more like nanananana or dadadadadada. It's amazing to hear your voice. I can sit and listen to you babble ALL DAY LONG! You talk in your crib every morning when you wake up and before we go and get you. It's usually a good half hour and Daddy and I just sit and listen to you over the monitor.
9.) You have to fall asleep with your "mi-me." (It's a burp cloth.) Daddy can never remember what I call it. He actually referred to it as an "Anenamine" the other day. He sounded JUST like Nemo trying to say "Anemone!"
10.) You do NOT like strangers. If you do not know the person looking at you, you will just sit and stare at them with the most serious face I have ever seen. It takes you a good 15 minutes to warm up to someone. You also hate to see me turn away from you, even for a second. The minute you can't see my face, you scream! (I'm actually very happy about this because it just shows me that you know who I am and you want me... =o)
11.) Your Daddy is the only one who can make you smile at the drop of a dime. He comes in the room and your face lights up. You love to laugh with him.

Ms. Olivia:
1.) You drink between 5-5.5 ounces of milk every 3 hours.
2.) You have SEVERE allergies! You have had reactions to Apples, Peaches, Pears and Green Beans!!! You love your solids too but we have to be very careful. You also don't have a reaction all the time to these foods and when you do, it's not always the same type of reaction either. We have even had to change the detergent. Everything gets washed with a plant based detergent called Ecos.
3.) Your Eczema is much better but you still have those trouble spots that can't help but flare when you have an allergic reaction.
4.) You are still a skinny little string bean. You wear 3-6 month clothes mainly and a few 6 month.
5.) You weigh _____ and measure_____.
6.) You HATE to nap! You take about 2, 2o minute naps a day and that is it. You want to be up and about and playing. You are such a spunkster!
7.) You get into EVERYTHING! Just like you sister, you grab and move your self to get to things!
8.) You are still a rolly-polly, although you seem to have forgotten how to turn from your tummy to your back. You immediately go from back to tummy but you get stuck and scream your eyes out because you can't get back over.... every 3 minutes!
9.) You still have to sleep swaddled because of your cradle cap. You tear up your head every chance you get. Your scalp is SO dry and flaky that I can't blame you! You of course get upset and cry and can't sleep. You are, however, falling asleep the minute we lay you down.
10.) At 6 months and 2 days, you got your first tooth! At 6 months and 3 days, you got your second tooth! I cried my eyes out when I discovered your first one. And I just had NO words when I felt your second!
11.) You smile at EVERYONE! I literally do mean everyone. You smile and laugh like people are the greatest things in the world. I hope you never lose that smile and that happy disposition of yours. (I do, however, pray that the whole loving strangers things dies down a bit by the time you turn 2! It scares me a little!)

The last 6 months have been amazing and have gone by in the blink of an eye! I would love to see you stay little or go back to when you were tiny, and wrinkly sometimes, but I am SO excited to see you grow!
I LOVE you more than words could say and I am the luckiest Mom in the world to have 2 beautiful, healthy, and happy growing babies! (Or in the words of Daddy, a Butterball and a String Bean! HaHa!)
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