Sunday, March 13, 2011

4 Months!

What you were up to...

Ms. Ella:

1. You weigh 12 lbs, 13 ozs and are in the 50th percentile for weight!
2. You measure 24 1/2 inches and are in the 25th percentile for height!
3. You wear a size 2 diaper.
4. You still wear size 3 month clothing except for the footsie PJ's which you now wear 3-6 month.
5. Your feet have started getting chunky... =( I miss my tiny feetsies!)
6. You are starting to do better and enjoy tummy time for a little bit longer each day.
7. You laugh A LOT!
8. You are no longer needing to be swaddled. We just lay you down while you're awake and you put yourself to sleep flat on your back, arms up!
9. You are still drinking about 4 to 5 ounces every 3 hours and you just got "official" clearance to start eating cereal.

Ms. Olivia:

1. You weigh 11 lbs, 6 ozs and are in the 5th percentile for weight!
2. You measure 24 inches in length and are in the 25th percentile for height!
3. You're head just made it onto the growth chart! Ha!
4. You still wear a size 1 diaper.
5. You are wearing mostly 3 month clothing and just started wearing 3-6 month footsie PJ's.
6. You still drink 4 ounces of milk every 3 hours and also got clearance for cereal.
7. You HATE tummy time and scream your head off.
8. We have tried weaning you off the swaddling and you did fine for a few days but we had to put you back in it. You will NOT stay asleep if we don't!
9. Your allergies are HORRIBLE and we can't figure out what is causing them. You scratch your head and face to the point of leaving marks!

Overall, you guys are happy, healthy, and content babies! I can't believe you are getting so big!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Another Lazy Wednesday...

I need to start coming up with better titles!

Yesterday we ventured out to Costco so we could do some grocery shopping and I am very happy to announce that the girls did GREAT! They didn't cry in their car seats which is a normal activity around here. I was glad to get out and see people!!!
My nephew came along with me so he was able to push the cart while I pushed the stroller. I have not quite figured out how to push a double stroller and pull and full Costco cart of groceries!

Today, as the title states, was another day of lounging around. I need to buy more PJ's or do more laundry... I have zero to wear! I have been neglecting tummy time and their play mat for a few weeks now so today we played for a few hours....
"Sea Turtle" meeting a "real" sea turtle! Ha!
(Please don't make fun of my salad bowl head... Mommy says it's growing and will soon be a soup bowl head!)
and munching on our hands.

Little Ms. E has taken such a huge turn with her alertness...She smiles and laughs all day now!

Except when we are on tummy time!

The smiles turned into the screams about 5 minutes into it!
We are going to have to play more often it seems. That or find a new way to exercise those little necks!

Ella switched over to a size 2 diaper last night and she is aaaaaaalmost, getting tears. Her eyes get really watery but they just don't spill out.

Olivia on the other hand spills those tears at every chance. Today I had to leave her crying in her crib for 10 minutes and when I came back to get her she was pulling whatever little hair she has on the very back of her head!! I couldn't pry her fist open to remove it. I was afraid all her hair was coming out in her hand. I think her screams might have been because her head hurt from pulling! It was THAT bad!

Tomorrow we are attempting to go to Daddy's office for a few hours and get some work done.
Let's see how that goes! I might need to say a few extra prayers tonight! =oP


Monday, March 7, 2011


Someone once told me that once your baby, or in my case babies, is born, "Mother's Guilt" is something that you will live with every day for the rest of your life. Oh how right they were!
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't feel guilty for 20 things that happened during the day.

Today, I screamed. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Twice.
I did not scream at my babies, but I did scream because of them. Guilt.
(Olivia was completely neglected because Ella would not stop fussing or crying all day. I couldn't even feed Olivia her bottle without stopping 10 times to try and calm Ella.)

Today, I wished, begged, pleaded, and prayed that my babies would sleep for an hour just so that I could take a nap. Guilt.
( I couldn't fall asleep till midnight and they were up at 4.)

Today, I put my babies in their swing instead of playing with them because I was exhausted and needed a break. Guilt.
(I wanted to make pancakes for breakfast and sit down and eat them with a cup of peace and quiet.)

Today, I placed my babies in front of the TV to "watch cartoons" so that I could catch another break. Guilt.
( I needed to wash dishes and boil all their pacifiers and nipples because there was a silverfish in their drawer.)

Today, I realized Ella has a rash because of the cereal I was giving her at night so that she would sleep longer. Guilt.
(They were waking up every 3 hours at night and screaming every 2 during the day because they simply do not want to drink more than 4 ounces at a time and it's NOT holding them over.)

Today, I realized Olivia's Eczema has gotten worse, probably because of the cereal that I was giving her so she would also sleep a little longer. Guilt.
(The nights she has not gotten cereal, she has been up every few hours. And not even for a bottle, just fussy.)

Today, I have been a mopey, crabby, complaining Mommy instead of just shutting up and being grateful that I have the 2 most amazing babies in the world. Guilt.
(Completely grateful for my life, just throwing a pity party for myself.)

Today, I got mad at my Husband for not getting home from work until 7:30 all because I needed some help. Guilt.
(He is our provider and works his hardest to make sure we are taken care of. He didn't deserve my attitude.)

And so here I am. Feeling guilty for the choices I made today.
Praying that tomorrow I learn to make better ones.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

It's quiet...

For the first time since these munchkins were born, it's quiet before 11PM! Woo Hoo! Getting there wasn't easy for Ms. E though. She has not wanted to go to bed or to nap for the last few days without being held so today I finally decided that she needed to cry it out. Cry she did! We put them down at about 8:30 and the crying lasted about 30 minutes. Now she's sleeping like a baby should! We felt bad for Ms. O who went to sleep within 3 minutes of putting her down. She has to share a room with Captain Crabby Patty! Ha!
Now Daddy and I are actually sitting down, enjoying a cup of coffee together and having an adult conversation without babies throwing fits. I almost forgot what this feels like!

Yesterday, I thought I wanted to get out of the house so I got up early and got the girls and myself dressed. By the time we got downstairs, reality started to set in. Bottles had to be washed, water had to be heated and put in a Thermos (God Forbid they have room temperature water!), baby bag had to be restocked and the babies were due for another feeding in about an hour and a half. I quickly changed my mind. We hung out and watched TV instead.
They did have bows in their hair and shoes on their feet but this was right after a nap.
I want to eat these feetsies!
Hi Mommy!
And this is how Ms. O sleeps when she isn't swaddled. Usually it's with 2 hands up in the air!
Today we literally ate breakfast at noon and stayed in bed the rest of the afternoon. Babies included. We watched cartoons to our hearts content and Ms. E even slept 2 hours past her feeding because she was all cuddled up with Daddy!
They also got their first pony tail tonight!
Then Ms. O discovered the little critters on her PJ and her attention was all over it!
Her hair is also starting to grow back! (Thank God!)
Daddy and I are going to try and go to bed and actually watch some TV before we go to sleep. I'm hoping this will be the beginning of a "new" normal around here.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Meet Wally....

If I am going to be naming every toy my daughters play with, I better start re-reading my baby name book and start jotting down notes! Oh, Moms don't normally name their children's toys? I missed that memo. Well then i'll only name the "important" Wally!
This is Ella's first crush. She has had her eye on him since we first bought them their play gym.
Today she decided that she must have him.
So she went and got him.
Determination, I tell ya!
Olivia has continued to grab whatever you put in front of her. Ella has been lazy and unless you put it in her hand, she hasn't grabbed anything until today.
I think she got tired of just staring at Wally.
This is the face that I got when I tried to direct her attention towards me...
(Visions of a future thirteen year old with this face followed by eyes rolling are now dancing in my head!)

Much better.
She will be 35, with a career, a husband, 2.2 kids, a dog and a goldfish,
and I will still see this face.

The following little bend-a-roo, is going become a contortionist and go work for Cirque du Soleil! I'll have to provide proof of what I mean...
She was in toy heaven today with her rocker toys...

This Mommy is in a funk that she needs to snap out of right this instant. These babies have given me a rough week with sleepless nights. Combine that with the massive migraine that attacked me yesterday and I am done!
Try feeding one baby, only to have to stop and have her scream bloody murder because the other baby pooped so badly that it was starting to spill out of her diaper, only to have to stop changing her and have her screaming also just so that I can take a minute and throw up! I felt like crawling in a whole and dying. But a Mommy has to do what a Mommy has to do and dying was NOT on the agenda. Thankfully I laid them in bed with me and they watched cartoons while I took a 20 minute nap. I needed some recovery time.

Today was better and since I don't know what tonight is going to bring, we are off to bed early.
Just in case!

Maybe I'll have to take Wally to bed with her and see if he's the magic trick...
She was very content sleeping with him today!
Just don't tell daddy!
