It was constantly casually mentioned around here, since the girls were born, that I needed to cut their hair as early on as possible and as short as possible. This so that their good hair would grow out faster and fuller rather than just waiting for the baby hair to fall out and allowing nature to take it's course. Well as you can see by "Exhibit A" down here, we didn't listen, and their hair got so long in some parts that the ONLY thing I could do was give them the old "whale fountain" do! (I happened to think they were the cutest things I have seen, but I may be a little biased.) I must admit that I didn't want to cut it for the fear that they wouldn't look like little girls. I can't even tell you how many times I was out with them and their huge pink polka dot bows and I was still asked if they were boys or girls. No joke!
"Exhibit A"
I finally gave in and took them to have it cut. These are the before pictures...
This is what happens when your hair has been in a "whale fountain" all day long.
And here we have the afters.
Ella did so well! She stayed still and just looked at the girl that was cutting it. Olivia, however, could not keep still. She wanted to grab anything she could including the scissors. They had to eventually give up using the scissor and use the clippers. It got cut really short in the front as a result. I was NOT happy. But it's hair, it will grow back. (Hopefully soon!) She does look like she has ginormous cheeks now! Ha!