What you were up to...
Ms. Ella:
1.) You are a chunker! I'm not sure how much you have gained since last month's check up but it feels like it's up there!
2.) You are wearing 3-6 month clothing and PJ's. A bunch of your 3 month clothes still fit too!
3.) You are eating about 5 ounces every 3 hours and as of 5 months and 1 day, you sleep through the night!!! ( I don't know what happened but it's as if someone flipped a switch!)
4.) You started eating cereal and you love it.
5.) You also started solids. Your first solid was Peas and you LOVED them! (You would have thought I was feeding you candy!)
6.) You are the happiest baby in the mornings. We go to your crib and you have a smile from ear to ear! You melt us down to nothing with that silly gummy grin!
7.) You are refusing to flip from your back to your tummy or even your side. Your head is flat in the back because of this. (The Dr. said that once you start moving around it will even out.)
8.) You are really liking your playpen. I put you down in it with your toys and you have a ball.
9.) You reach for EVERYTHING! If it's within a 6 inch radius, you WILL grab it!
10.) You have really started to discover your voice because boy, can you scream! Not a mad or upset scream, rather a "I want your exclusive attention" scream!
Ms. Olivia:
1.) You are my tiny little monster! You are growing and are just a half inch shorter than Ella but you are just so petite. Petite and Spunky!
2.) You are wearing 3-6 month clothing and PJ's but a lot more 3 month clothes still fit you than Ella because you are so little.
3.) You are drinking 4-5 ounces of milk every 3 hours. We had to switch your formula again and you are now on Elecare. What a difference! You are now a very happy, non-itchy baby!
4.) We had to hold off of giving you any cereal of solids because of your allergies but have now started you back on them and you HATE cereal! You would think it was chopped liver!
5.) I gave you what I thought would be a good first, easy solid a few days ago and you had a MAJOR reaction! It was apples!!!!! Apples???? I would have never, ever, thought of that giving anyone an allergic reaction but of course, you like to keep mommy on her toes right?
6.) You do NOT like to go to sleep and it takes forever to get you to go to sleep. But, also, as of 5 months and 1 day you also sleep through the night. You do still need us to swaddle you though!
7. You are a total rolly-polly! You have flipped from your tummy to your back and from back to tummy all within 2 weeks. We cannot get you to stay still. You love to roll around. We actually woke up to find you sleeping on your tummy so that is how we knew you were able to flip.
8.) You also reach for EVERYTHING! The difference between you and Ella is that you will roll onto your side to get something if it's out of reach!
9.) "Olivia No!" has become my favorite phrase apparently because I seem to repeat it 100 times a day. You have picked up the habit of scratching your face and your head whenever you are angry and I don't think it's because of itchiness anymore. You can tear up your face or head in seconds!
10.) You started babbling at a little over 4 months (it had me worried that you hadn't before) and have not stopped! You still have your high pitched shriek but it's now lessened by your "talking." You seem to have such a soft voice when you babble. It's SOOO sweet to listen to you!

You guys are getting so big and all I want to do is bundle you up in a ball and keep you here with me... forever! How did I ever live without you??